Access your Inner Spark through a Rainbow Bridge

Dear Beloved Starseeds, Seekers, Intuitives, Empaths and Ancient Beings,

~ Have you felt like something in life is just not clicking, leading to a feeling of stuckness, frustration, depression or lack of motivation?~ Do you a have a deep desire to access your lost passions and step back onto your path of joy and fulfillment?~ Do you enjoy exploring your psychic abilities?~ Would you like assistance in facilitating your deeper remembrance?

Welcome to my gateway into the Rainbow Dragon Bridge. In this journey, we will access and retrieve the parts, aspects, and memories of yourself that you have left or forgotten elsewhere. The parts of you that you are ready to remember and embody or release from your cellular memory. All of this memory exists in your heart space, and I am your co-pilot to help you access more of your remembrance.• I will pull an oracle card for you from my Self-Mastery Oracle Deck to bring you in deeper to the aspect/s of you that you are ready to explore.
• I use my ancient language to open up a rainbow bridge into your cellular memory of your lost and forgotten passions and inner spark. These aspects may be from earlier life memories, past lives or off-planet cosmic memories. Your heart map and intention guide the way for the journey.
• You get to explore your intuitive senses, remember your stories, ask questions and retrieve the aspects of you that are ready to show up in your life experience here in this body.
• You will receive free bonus access to the digital Self-Mastery Oracle Deck app!
Each journey is a private 45-minute Zoom call for $144.I'm excited to travel with you!
~ Melanie Adrianna

Quantum Leap

Self Mastery Oracle Deck

Stepping into greater embodiment.

This oracle deck offers tools that you can work with to create your own reality from the inside out. Each of these tools, whether they are energetic techniques, topics of contemplation, visualizations or physical actions, are all ways for you to build a stronger relationship with your intuition and inner guidance system. Each card is an invitation to move deeper into your inner world to shine light on what is. Learn how to transform and transmute your personal challenges into sources of self-agency, self-power and self-mastery.Each card is a step of inner alchemy that I have experienced in my personal inner journey and carries a sound transmission of its special field of alchemical medicine that I have embedded into the stream of energy with my voice. In other words, each card carries the vibration of a particular field of conscious awareness to assist you in moving through the alchemical process that you are in.

Self-Mastery Oracle

Order your Self-Mastery Oracle card deck today!

Includes 42-card deck and 40-page guide book.

Quantum Leap

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